Tournament Analysis is the process of evaluating your past tournament and giving you suggestions on how to improve it. We will evaluate every detail:
- Venue selection
- Budget
- Event marketing
- Sponsorship package components and profit margins
- Sponsorship sales
- Committee organization
- Player Gift
- Awards and prizes
- On course activities (i.e., food & beverage and contests)
- Day Of on site management
These are the critical areas of your tournament that make for a memorable and successful tournament.
Surveys prove that over 65% of sponsors believe that “on site branding” is the number one marketing benefit to them through tournament participation.
We work with the client to enhance the tournament sponsor experience by including their business marketing into on site branding opportunities. We enhance their brand association and frequently do so which gives them the value they are looking for in a sponsor package.
Part of a successful event is managing your finances. We have the experience of thousands of golf events and can help you set an accurate budget, track sponsor revenue and project profits on an ongoing basis.
- Food and beverage expenses
- Service charges
- Banners and Tee Sign
- Awards and prizes
- The cost per player and per foursome
- Ongoing revenue tracking and projecting tournament profit
- All are critical areas that make for a memorable and successful tournament.